Posted in Bullying, Celebrities, Special Needs Kids

Open Letter To 50 Cent

Today I saw a video of you shamelessly mocking a kid on the autism spectrum.  I am the mother of two special needs sons one of which who is on the spectrum. I am also the founder of P3 an online support group for parents with special needs kids. I say this to let you know I am well-versed in dealing with people such as yourself.

It appears you singled out an average working man to mock for your own narcissistic reasons. Who knew that the average working person who spends money on your albums was such a scourge to you. Your defense in such deplorable behavior is that you found his behavior odd and thereby deemed the “younger generation” messed up. That would be your second insult upon the individuals who buy your albums. At this point, it would be fair to say you must have a disability of your own or be strung out on drugs. Why else would you insult, video and mock the very people responsible for your monetary livelihood?

At this point, it would be fair to say you must have a disability of your own or be strung out on drugs. Why else would you insult, video and mock the very people responsible for your monetary livelihood? However, unlike you, I don’t force such unmitigated opinions upon others. I am educated enough to know that in this world there are a significant number of individuals with debilitating disabilities that you know nothing about. Therefore, I will enlighten you.

The fact that the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Airport employees someone on the autism spectrum should be commended not mocked. Too many of these able-bodied individuals are discriminated against in the workforce. Businesses often fear their patrons will respond exactly as you did and therefore a person who could make a decent living is left with nothing except government assistance because he/she can’t find employment.

Thankfully personnel at the airport know what you do not, that individuals who are on the autism spectrum are not only employable but often make the best employees. They are committed, hard-working people who have more courage, strength, and stamina than you could possibly exhibit in a lifetime. And considering that you love to doctor your vernacular with f-bombs shows that you lack the exceedingly intelligent vocabulary those with Asperger’s Syndrome possess.

Your behavior was atrocious,despicable and you should do exactly what you are doing, fail to respond and hide your face in shame. Your behavior, rooted in ignorance and un-education, is something the “younger generation” doesn’t need exemplified.

So I am asking you do the world a favor and educate yourself. If you find that task impossible then please the next time you feel the need to point out ignorance find a mirror or turn the camera on yourself.