Posted in Celebrities, Faith, In The News

Conservatives vs Rihanna; Who Got It Right?

Yesterday Candace Owens tweeted, “How conservatives lose culture: nothing wrong with Rihanna’s performance but finding things wrong, anyway.” Traffic on the tweet is currently 2.3 million. My response got an eye popping 24,000 interactions. I said, “I wholeheartedly agree! It was a great performance and all her clothes stayed on. lol After the Grammys fiasco, Conservatives should be hailing the performance as an example of good without being raunchy.” That mad people mad. Big mad. Which is exactly Candace’s point.

It is impossible to put on a show that everyone will like. The solution isn’t complicated. We must take what we like, ignore what we don’t or don’t watch. It’s unreasonable to expect complete allegiance to our way of life by others, especially those in the entertainment industry.

Sam Smith’s behavior at the Grammys was filthy. Obviously, he is a troubled man who relies on gaslighting people rather than on his considerable talent. Jay Z’s childish attempt to pervert the Last Supper was equally disgusting. Performances like these are why I read about rather than watch the Grammys.

With an audience ten times over the Grammys, many expected a lewd performance from Rihanna. Turns out the viewers were more the problem than the performers. I watched the show live. While I marveled at the multi-level choreography, others focused on Rihanna’s ….. uhhh …. shall we say, anatomy? For lack of a better word. People made the claim that she ran her hand down her crotch, then sniffed her fingers. I watched the show again.

When I looked for that specific behavior, I saw it. But I had to look for it. My mind doesn’t readily go to crotch sniffing. However, my mind went to God every time she pointed upward with purpose. The frequency and deliberation made me wonder about her faith. Took very little research to discover she is a Christian. She speaks openly about her faith. Reviewing Rihanna’s tweets, I discovered many centered on God. She’s tweeted favorably about one of my favorite preachers, Joyce Meyer.

People will see what they want to see. As I say, if you’re holding a hammer, all you’re going to see are nails. None of us are perfect. I’m sure there are many Christians who disagree with things I’ve said or done and probably rightfully so. But let’s all try to give each other at least a sliver of the grace God grants us hourly. Let’s exchange our hammers for Bibles and see how much good we see in the world.


Joan Graves is an award-winning freelance writer and columnist. She previously worked as a Community Correspondent for one of Kentucky's largest newspapers, the Lexington Herald-Leader. From there, she moved onto the national stage as an online content provider for Associated Content and Yahoo. Her work was featured in America Life League magazine, Celebrate Life. She and her husband, Steve, are active in the community and parent five boys, two of whom have special needs. Together they founded P3- Support Group for families impacted by special needs kids. Steve is the pastor at Bethlehem Christian Church where Joan serves as drama minister. To book Joan for speaking engagements please email

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